Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Islam and the Challenge of Human Rights

Islam and the Challenge of Human Rights
By Abdulaziz Sachedina
Product description:

The international announcement of Human Rights, an essay planned to embrace both individuals and nations responsible for their conduct of equal human beings spiritual or literary affiliations was adopted to General assembly of UN in 1948. Since then, the issue- Islamic human rights & its challenge is being addressed by Islamic rulers, Tories Western analysts. Now this is an important issue.
In this book, the author says a precise comparative approach. He not only considers Islam against standard of human rights but also measures human rights against the theological ethics of Islam. This book offers a fair & keen review of Western experts who have overlooked the substance of faith to the improvement of human rights. At the end of this book Abdulaziz Sachedina doesn’t mistake to explain the vital realistic consequences of what’s needed is not a understanding system of policy.

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