Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge

Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge
By Rifaat Ahmed Addel Karim, Simon Archer

Product description:

This is beyond question that Islamic finance is a dogmatic challenge to this growing world. By following the regulations of Islamic finance, it is lightly true that total economy will be changed into a strong position. This book declares these factor. Here many fascinating collections on Islamic banking is also described.
In this book the author provides a comprehensive study of issues that take places in the dynamic development of Islamic finance’s construction. However this book deals with issues such as:
·         What are the structures for the straight financial sector incompatible for Islamic monetary services?
·         What is the temperament of risks in Islamic banking?
·         What regulatory challenges face shariah based finance?
·         What is the achievable for expansion on the Islamic financial part?
It doesn’t go without saying that many famous specialist on banking has commented to express the importance of this book actually. To their mind, this book must draw attention to the reader’s mind who wants to know why is the detailed Islamic finance a regulatory challenge?

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